Weather forecasts for Alta Badia
Sun, rain, snow?
How will the weather be in Alta Badia? Here are the current conditions and forecasts for the next few days! This weather service is updated daily and helps you plan your holiday. For further questions please just give us a call: we are always at your disposal!
Current weather
Very cloudy skies with only flashes of sunshine. Especially on the border ridge, in the Dolomites and on the Ortles, precipitation will be possible. The snowline will fall northwards to 1300 m, southwards to 1700 m. North wind strengthening.
Maximum temperatures between 10° in Sterzing and 18° in Bozen.
Next evolution
Monday sunny weather towards the south. In the northernmost areas, the weather will be unstable with some snowfall at times due to strong northerly winds.
Tuesday the weather will be sunny at times with windy weather.
On Wednesday, mostly sunny weather with a few harmless clouds in transit.
An alternation of sun and clouds is expected on Thursday. Spring-like temperatures with highs up to 21°.
Weather in the mountains
Weather in the mountains
A depression over the Mediterranean will draw moist air masses towards the Alps.
In the mountains, visibility will often be reduced by clouds and light snowfall. Temperatures will drop due to strong northerly winds.
Mountain weather tomorrow
A high pressure field will guarantee stable weather.
In the mountains during the day, the sun will shine everywhere. The wind from the north will ease slightly. Towards evening, cloudiness will tend to increase on the border ridge.
© Weather service Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano